12/11/2017 / by Starry Kong






醒著的時候 一切就像一灘死水

身心的疲憊 讓我用緩慢到接近靜止的速度 維持著自己不得不的存在


睡著的時候 一切就像一台巨大的攪拌機

每天的夢境 已然讓我不知該用什麼詞去形容


夢魘纏身 一旦入睡 一切都將未知 一切都無法控制

精神的疲憊 每睡一覺 睜開眼就好似過完了一生

醒著的時候那些被我強行封印起來的東西 在我入睡後 用自己的替身開始大肆迎風作亂

我不知道自己到底是該醒 還是該睡?

Basically, I’m just like living two lives —— one in the daytime, and the other at bedtime.

The daytime one is in reality. I tried to control myself and manage everything around me, so that making sure I could have a boring but peaceful life without any big fluctuations, which could easily kill me and drag me to hell. 

The bedtime one that is inside my nightmares is like hell. I kept dreaming of the same group of people almost every night. The way they appeared each night was different, and the thing that happened each night was also different. But everything I experienced in that life could fuck up my whole life. I could not control anything in that life, even wake myself up to end it, I had to experience everything. 

The life inside of the nightmares keeps reminding me of those people, whom I want to be fade, as well as things that I want to be forgotten in real life. All the sensations and consciousness generated in that life have been transferred to this life, and make this life much worse.